Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Kiss In Time by Alex Flinn

A Kiss in TimeA Kiss in Time is the second Alex Flinn book I have read this year (or ever), and I have to say it was my favorite of the two.  We all know the classic story of Sleeping Beauty, however A Kiss In Time is anything but classic.  Told from alternating points of view Alex Flinn was able to convincingly re-imagine this classic fairy tale into modern times.  Often making me question if such a story could actually happen, but I guess it isn't likely anyone could sleep 300 years without aging a day.

Princess Talia of Euphrasia is of course the sleeping beauty in this tale, never letting the reader forget that fact.  Talia starts off a bratty, spoiled, yet sheltered girl, and by the end of part one I was glad she pricked her finger on a spindle.  Harsh, maybe...but sleeping for 300 years did the girl good.  Even though she had been "frozen" at the age of 16, upon awakening at age 316, Talia realized it was time to grow up a little.  Her attitude transitioned at a natural pace, as did my adoration of her character.  In the end Talia's blunt thoughts, that she eventually learned should not always be voiced, are what kept me wanting to read on.

When we first meet Jaek O'Neill he is a pretty far cry from prince charming, but can you blame him?  After all he is a seventeen year old boy the 21st century.  Jaek's two biggest joys in life are partying and pissing off his seemingly distant parents.  It is in this frame of mind that he stumbles upon the beautiful Talia and awakens her with a kiss.  At first Jack's point of view was exactly as I would expect from a boy his age, but as the story evolved he's thoughts grew more honest in the purpose behind his actions.  For this reason (and some spoiler ones) Jack became my favorite character.  Weather I was reading his point of view or Talia's I was always delighted to read about Jack.

I would give A Kiss In Time 4 out of 5 stars.  I loved being in the world Alex Flinn has created, but I wish I could have gotten to know it better.  Occasionally a character would enter the story not fully developed, or without apparent purpose. and some sub-plots seemed to just stop.  These reasons account for the deducted star.  Despite all of that I truly enjoyed reading A Kiss In Time and found myself not wanting to put in down.  It is definitely a book I will be recommending to friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the review! I haven't read this one myself, but the whole "re-done" fairy tale aspect is intriguing...not to mention BIG in the YA genre right now. Thanks for sharing...and happy reading!
